Our journey to Addis
went very, very smoothly. There were no hiccups at all. My sister
arrived on time; she collected a prescription for me, the taxi for the airport
arrived on time and our six suitcases plus 3 pieces of hand luggage plus 2
laptops plus 2 handbags fitted into the taxi without a problem. We were
on time to check-in; there were no queues and the check-in staff made a point
of changing our seats so that we were all sitting together (we had made
separate bookings and so were seated separately)
We worked out that we
had time for lunch before going to the boarding gate. We asked a
passer-by where McDonalds was and was told there wasn’t one at Heathrow airport
and as a French man he was horrified that we would even consider such food and
directed us to a French restaurant that co-incidentally turned out to be
managed by himself. We were horrified also about eating McDonalds of course,
but lead by a miniscule budget, it was a sensible choice. The
burger we had in the restaurant was delicious and instead of tomato ketchup we
were given Harrisa sauce which was very tasty. However, we worked out
that we had spent a third of our total travel budget so far with the cab
journey and the yummy francais burger!
We had enough time to
get to get to the boarding gate and in fact this was the least stressful travel
time that I had ever experienced. Being used to airline travel at
the economy end of the spectrum we were loving the luxury of ”Egypt Air” with
room for our knees plus food and a metal knife (with a blade under 6cm) and
fork. We were particularly excited that we were given free headphones and could
watch films and TV shows. The time flew by (pardon the pun) and even our
stopover at Cairo
was smooth with an immediate boarding for our flight to Addis.
New Arrivals! |
The flight was fine and
we slept most of the time and we collected our baggage without problem and our
first step was to apply for our visa. The Visa Office is a small room
with 2 guys, one at each end of the room seated at tables. The first one
was good cop and the second was bad cop. We filled in our forms and then me
and sis went off to change up money as they only took US Dollars or
Euros. The exchange desk was un-manned and so we had to hang about for 20
minutes until a bloke came in messing around with his shoes and wearing a
mack. This was the man we had been waiting for. We managed to
change up some sterling into dollars and then sterling into Ethiopian Birr all
the while people behind us were thrusting money over our shoulders and actually
being served; in fact he was serving about what seemed like 8 customers at
once. We returned with the cash and was sent to bad cop to pay.
“How long are you going to be in Ethiopia?” he says “ 2 months” we
say. Consternation. Finally he signs our application and then sends
us back to good cop who sticks our visa into the passport.
Having been warned not
to let anyone be “helpful” as they will expect and then demand a tip, Martin
was hanging on to the luggage with all his might. We nearly made it
to the exit when there was another inexplicable security check where we had to
feed our luggage thought yet another x-ray machine but there were no personnel
checking anything. People with official name badges grabbed our bags and
shoved them on to the rollers and then demanded payment for helping us.
We refused. We hadn’t asked and had actually said “No, Stop!”but it
didn’t prevent this guy calling out how he didn’t earn a salary and just got by
on tips.
The taxi was the next
hurdle and we had been told that the fare from the airport would be $10 to $12
which is 255 to 275 Ethiopian birr. “400 Birr” said one of the orange
bibbed drivers and I, not yet skilled in the art of haggling I offer a mere
whine “but the owner of the hotel said 250 birr” I did nothing and so
another orange bibbed driver said “350 - there is a lot of baggage” So I
agreed, as it was 4.30 in the morning and we had been travelling for 12 hours
or more. They piled the luggage on to the roof rack rather precariously
and a small boy was doing the piling. I gave him 10 birr and he went away
but came back and said that it was “too small”. I gave him another 10
birr. (36p) But I was learning fast. Or so I thought. I
had been warned about the leeching but it is hard to know what is the right
amount to give. You can’t compare it to English prices (which is what you
do because you say well its only 36p in England) as the salaries are so low
here. What to do?
We arrived at our hotel
and was swiftly put into our rooms and so went to bed and slept till 11 when we
woke up and gathered ourselves at about 10 in the morning. I sent a text
to Daniel (the brother-in-law of Dawit) to check what time he wanted to come
and pick up our luggage. But at 11 Dawit from the school turned up. He
had been at the hotel earlier but we were asleep so he left us to sleep and
rest. He had come to collect our luggage as Daniel didn’t have a
car. The trouble as that we had so much luggage that had been carefully
packed and Martin (poor bloke) had to take out the stuff we needed for our tour
and fit everything else back in the bags so that it could be taken to the
school ahead of us. This took about an hour to do! Dawit went on
his way and then we got ready and went out exploring with the view to making
our plans to travel to Bahir Dar the next day. We planned to fly so that
we could have a relaxing time after traveling especially as Gill had only just
got back from Turkey
2 days before we left. However we had trouble finding anything.
It was latish afternoon
by the time we set off and we were hungry so were looking for a
restaurant. Our walk from the hotel to the centre of town was a bit
overwhelming as we had several kids and young people approach us for
money. We had been warned about the boys who have trays around their
necks, like the old cinema usherettes, selling cigarettes and tissues and the
like, as while they thrust their wares at you, someone is stealing your wallet.
Me and Martin were walking quickly but my sister was a bit slower and she
became separated from the pack as such, so we re-grouped and made our way
out. We stuck out like sore thumbs. We were the only white people
and tourists are thin on the ground in rainy season and so we were like fresh
meat. We moved on quickly and found the office for Sky bus but it was
crowded so in our infinite wisdom we said we could go and find food then come
Addis is not like
capital cities elsewhere. Capital cities are normally the business centre
of the country and quite impressive. Not so in Addis which looked a lot
like Brick Lane
without the character. We found an agreeable looking café / restaurant and had
some tasty cheap food while it was really pouring with rain. I was surprised at
the extent of the rain; knew it was rainy season but thought it only rained at
night lol.
Here are some pics to
give you an idea of what Addis looks like:
Addis billboard: "Corruption is an impediment to development" |
Addis Ababa. Modern and old methods of transport co-exist. Is this a new branch of Primark? |
Addis Ababa. Looks just like Aldgate. |
Addis Ababa. Fruit seller. |
Addis Ababa. Fumes. |
Addis Ababa. Donkey going the wrong way down the road. |
Addis Ababa. Dead creepy - looks like a crowd. |
Addis Ababa. More fruit sellers. |
Addis Ababa. Building site. |
Addis Ababa. More building. |
Addis Ababa. Funeral parlour. |
Anyhow we ventured out and tried to make our way to the Hilton to check out the Ethiopian airlines office and flights, which was miles away, gave up and returned the Sky bus office only to find that the bus was full up for the next day. What to do? Could we face another day in this place? We were down but not yet out and so we searched out the tour guide round the corner to find out our options. He had nothing to offer us only that the Ethiopian Airlines office was now closed and therefore there was no chance of booking a flight for the next morning either. So we seemed destined to spend yet another day in dreary Addis after all.
Back to the hotel and we explained our predicament to the son of the Hotel Owner. His suggestion was to get a cab for 200 birr to the airport on the off-chance we could buy a ticket then and there for the 20:15 flight. If we were out of luck he would drive us in a mini-bus the next morning for 350 birr each. With nothing to lose we packed and got a taxi to the airport and asked about how we could buy a ticket. We were told to queue up at check-in office and then buy our tickets. Finally we made it to the front of the queue and were told that the plane was full. Why couldn’t someone have just checked? It wasn’t a bad way to spend and evening! Anyway we got a taxi back the hotel and asked about the private bus trip for the next day. The deal had now moved from him driving us in a private minibus to his friend driving us that night with other people. We assumed that it was perhaps that he couldn’t actually borrow the minibus the next day but that obviously was not the case. Totally confused but desperate to get out of the city we accepted and arranged for the bus to come to the hotel and meet us in an hour’s time.
We went across the road to the Hotel Wutwo to eat. We were happy and relaxed because we knew we were on our way and me and Martin tried traditional Ethiopian dishes. I had injera which is the traditional Ethiopian bread with a casserole served on it and Martin had a puff pastry jobby with egg and tomato in the middle. Very cheap food and the egg and tomato pastry jobbywas particularly tasty but the injera was something else. It not only looked like a grey dishcloth but it also tasted like a wet dish cloth. It had a distinct vinegary flavor and was grey / beige in colour, like when you give a toddler a bit of pastry to play with for a couple of hours. I tried, we all tried, but it just couldn’t be eaten.
Pastry with egg and tomato. Yummy. |
Injera and something that was quite tasty |
Nice pic of Martin and Gillian |
We went back over to the hotel to catch our minibus but surprise, surprise, found that it wasn’t going to be driven by his friend for us but instead it was a group minibus (think Georgian marshutka). Our luggage was loaded onto the roof rack and one customer was shifted to make way for us to sit together. We had paid the owner’s son 350 ETB for setting it up and 600ETB to the driver for taking us. This was the same price as tickets on the Sky Bus route – a large coach with air conditioning and on-board toilet. Do you think we were ripped off in any way, shape or form? It was now 9:30 at night; the door was slammed shut and we were excited to be on our way out of Addis for the next stage of our journey.